Saturday, November 21, 2009

Gay and Lesbian marriage should be legalized in all fifty states.

I believe that the legislator should legalize gay and lesbian marriage in all fifty states because they are human beings and should have the same rights as anyone else. I don't understand how Americans can allow some states to legalize gay marriage and have gays and lesbians travel to get married. That to me is unethical. They should be able to stay in the comfort of their own town and get married where ever they want, just like everyone else can. I also do not understand why people think it is ok to discriminate against someone and say they can get married. I mean who do they think they are? I don't see the problem with gay and lesbian marriage, if they want to express their unity why not? Who am I to judge? Do people not understand that even if you do not allow gays and lesbians to get married they are still going to be here no matter what you take away from them? You cannot control how people feel, so why try to control their life. People that disagree with homosexual marriage say "marriage was made for a man and a woman." But marriage is about love, commitment, and happiness. And if two people feel that way toward each other why not allow them to become unified in marriage? The legislator needs to address this issue because if they don't no one will. I feel that this change will make so many Americans happy and the debate would be over. Lets face it, people are going to be the way the are whether you like it or not, so we need to embrace the change and move on!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I have very strong views that the war in Afghanistan and Iraq should be stopped. While reading Mrs.Nannapaneni's blog I could not agree more with each thing she said. The main point she made was, why are we fighting wars in other countries and trying to change other peoples views, when we need to focus on our own problems here in America.
Mrs.Nannapaneni's blog was excelent! She stated what she believed, why she believed that and used her feelings as a mother. I love the statement she makes when she says "No amount of force will change the mind of one single person, let alone millions. Change has to come from inside and only then can a country in tourmoil flourish to become a great nation, like America."