Friday, December 11, 2009


When reading the post "Get em' the hell outta' there" I can agree with every statement. I too do not understand why we are STILL at war in Afganistan. Now that we know the decision that President Obama has made, it is very disipointing. I also realize that is not as easy as people may think it is to just send the troops home. I think that the posts hits the nail on the head when it says " these countries will never be fixed, they are not fixable." I honestly think we are there to try and fix their country. It will not happen, people have to be willing to accept change before they will change. This just makes me wonder how much longer this war will last, when will we declare "victory" and say thats enough, and how can we declare victory when it's unclear why we are there fighting, what are we trying to achieve?

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